1. GTS, is a french company, and we are a specialist about installation about protection against natural risks hazards. We have developped a range of product against rockfall, the name is ELITE Products, like nets and screens, and at the beginning of 2009 we have decided to sale this range of products.
    Now we are looking for dealer all around the world.
    If you have need some information about us products of rockfall protection, or if you want to be dealer of us products, you could sent me a mail at .

    Benoit BARBIER
    +33 (0)607056160

  2. We make nets from six contact and four contact viscous, with diameter of a ring 250 mm, 350 mm, 420 mm and more, under the order are ready to make rings with a diameter from 50 sm to 2 metres. Rings happen 7 coils, 11 coils, 18 coils and trudge from 3 mm or 4?? zinced (150-245 g/m2) a wire made on the Russian standard of GOST-7372-79. The size of nets at will of the customer.??bil: + 7(928) 164-86-20
    Skype: pablo-8279

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