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Rockman's Ramblings

Happy Holidays from GeoPrac

Happy Holidays from!  I hope they are relaxing and peaceful and that the New Year is a prosperous one for you.  GeoPrac posts will be sporadic over the next 10 days or so, but […]

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Rockman's Ramblings

A Geoengineer’s Christmas List 2010

Christmas PresentSo last year at this time, I gave Santa my geoengineer’s Christmas list, but apparently I wasn’t good enough to get everything.  I did get two things off my list, the new FHWA Drilled Shaft Manual, and the New FHWA MSE Wall Manual, but that’s about it.  That’s like getting pink bunny PJ’s as a kid! So over the last year, I tried to be REALLY good, and this year I’ll just let last year’s list roll over with two additions:

An iPad

This year’s hottest gift would be great for reading my growing library of geotechnical papers, manuals, reports and books in PDF format.  I like the iBook app on my iPhone, especially being able to highlight and make notes and bookmarks.  And you can read an eBook allright, but try reading a scanned PDF report or paper on that little screen, doesn’t work too well.  I like the idea of having my entire library of technical papers, books and reports available at my fingertips!

And the coolest goodie on my list, the one I really want… […]

One of six areas proposed for sea walls is a stretch of Ocean Boulevard in Shell Beach, where erosion is eating away at the bluffs and beach, exposing a storm drain pipe.
Project Related

USACE wants 6 sea walls at Pismo Beach

Coastal erosion is threatening existing structures at Shell Beach and northern Pismo Beach near San Luis Obispo, California. The Army Corps of Engineers suggests 6 sea walls to protect infrastructure such as two sewage treatment […]

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Weekend CUP

Weekend CUP December 14, 2010

Hydro frac’ing is next round of states vs feds – Source: Arizona Geology Leaking Underground CO2 Storage Could Contaminate Drinking Water – Source: National Driller Alaskan Way Viaduct Deep Bore Tunnel Controversy – Source: Ballard […]

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Press Releases

Nicholson and Menard Announce Ground Improvement Partnership

PITTSBURGH, PA – December 8, 2010 – Nicholson Construction Company and Menard are pleased to announce a new strategic partnership. Under the partnership, Menard will perform the group’s ground improvement work in the United States, including controlled modulus columns™, vibro stone columns, vibro-compaction, vibro concrete columns, dynamic compaction™, rapid impact compaction, Menard vacuum™ consolidation, and wick drains. Nicholson will continue to perform its comprehensive techniques for deep foundations, earth retention and ground treatment. The two sister companies are headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and have already worked together on several significant projects.

[Editor] Click through for the rest of the press release from GeoPrac sponsor Nicholson Construction. [/Editor]
