Ground-Zero 9/11 Virtual Reality Museum on Kickstarter

World Trade Center - Someday a Virtual Reality Museum?

The basement foundation and retaining walls of the World Trade Center, sometimes referred to as the bathtub, were the only portion of the structure that survived the collapse of the towers after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  A portion of these walls has been incorporated into the Ground Zero Museum, but Deep Excavations CEO Dimitrios Konstantakos, wants to create a virtual reality museum to allow people to see the entire subsurface portion of the site as it was constructed in the 1960s. He has started a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds necessary for the project with the end goal being a virtual reality experience that will be free for everyone, including at the Ground Zero Museum itself.  As a member of the geotechnical community, please consider supporting this worthwhile effort to preserve a portion of our profession’s engineering history.