Available Resources

Video: Analyzing Bearing Capacity with NovoSPT

Did you miss the December webinar from Rocscience on analyzing bearing capacity using NovoSPT and PEYSANJ? Well, no worries. You can now watch the recorded version on the Rocscience YouTube channel. Or see below. [Editor] […]

Selection of Spread Footings on Soils to Support Highway Bridge Structures
Available Resources

New FHWA Manual on Spread Footings for Highway Structures

Selection of Spread Footings on Soils to Support Highway Bridge Structures Hot on the heals of the revised MSE Wall Manual, the FHWA has released another manual, this one on Spread Footings. Selection of Spread Footings on Soils to Support Highway Bridge Structures was authored by Naresh C. Samtani, PE, PhD, Edward A Nowatzki, PE, PhD and Dennis R. Mertz, PE, PhD. So what is this manual all about? I think the foreword by Scott Anderson, PE, PhD of the FHWA Resource Center says it best:
