American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTM
Standards and Codes

ASTM Updates July 2009

American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTMRevised, new, and reapproved ASTM standards for the month of July. This month was a busy one for the various comittees with 108 standards  related to concrete, geotechnical lab testing, asphalt, lab testing and other standards updated. Read on for the list.


ASTM standards referenced in the 2009 International Building Code (IBC)
Press Releases

New ASTM-Code Council Book References Standards in 2009 IBC

ASTM standards referenced in the 2009 International Building Code (IBC)

July 23, 2009 – Engineers, architects, contractors, code officials and others in the construction industry need access to ASTM standards referenced in the 2009 International Building Code (IBC) to design, construct and regulate safe and reliable buildings. The ASTM Standards: As Referenced in the 2009 International Building Code fulfills this need in one book.

This comprehensive book contains 280 ASTM referenced standards in Chapter 35 of the IBC, including critical topics such as structural steel, concrete, masonry, wood, soil, gypsum, insulation, fire protection, fire prevention, window fall prevention devices, and other important areas that contribute to safe and quality construction. [Editor] Click through for the rest of the press release [/Editor] […]

American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTM

ASTM Updates June 2009

American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTMD5434 – “Standard Guide for Field Logging of Subsurface Explorations of Soil and Rock” and D4429 – “Standard Test Method for CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Soils in Place” are two standards revised this month that may be of interest to geotechnical engineers. Those in the construction services and materials testing business should take a look at a number of changes to relevant standards. This month there are also a few revised standards related to detection of different ions in water. I also see that there are a number of geothermal and solar standards that were reapproved this month, most of them seem to have been last modified in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. Click through for the full list of new, revised and reapproved ASTM standards from June.


American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTM
Standards and Codes

ASTM Updates May 2009

American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTM

In this month’s ASTM updates, there is a new standard for determining the laboratory density of soil specimens. Not having a standard for this item was a common problem for us in our practice. The lab would give us a density on ring samples by weiging, drying and weighing again using the known volume of the rings, but there was never any standard to go with it. Other updates this month include ones related to dimension stone, fiber reinforced concrete, sulfate content of soils, and calcium and magnesium content of water.


American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTM
Standards and Codes

ASTM Updates March 2009

American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTMOur monthly update on new and revised ASTM standards that relate to geotechnical engineering, materials testing, hydrogeology, geosynthetics and related disciplines. This month there are a few notable revisions, including D1452 for Auger Borings, D3385 for Double-Ring Infiltrometer and D4595 for determining tensile properties of geotextiles by the wide-width strip method. There are also a few other geotextile, groundwater, lime, masonry and terminology standards that were added or updated. Click through for the full list.


American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTM
Standards and Codes

ASTM Updates February 2009

American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTMGeoPrac’s monthly update on ASTM standards. There are a bunch of updates to C series for concrete, including standards for making and curing specimens in the field, shotcrete specs, and a handfull of geosynthetic and geomembrrane standards have been reapproved. Read on for a summary.


American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTM
Standards and Codes

ASTM Updates January 2009

American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTMThis month there is a new standard related to nondestructive testing, revisions for several standards involving aggregates, cements and mortars, and the standard test method for expansion index of soils. Click through for the list.


American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTM
Standards and Codes

ASTM Standards December Update

American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTMThis month there are a number of changes to standards relating to masonry units, bricks, dimension stone, etc. There are also some changes to a few standards related to asphalt paving, and groundwater testing. ASTM D6453 – Standard Guide for Format of Computerized Exchange of Soil and Rock Test Data was withdrawn. Read on for the full list.
