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Press Releases

URS purchase unlimited usage ESdat Licence

URS will use ESdat to manage laboratory and field data related to groundwater, contaminated site, and other environmental projects.

URS (Australia/New Zealand) and EarthScience Information Systems (EScIS) are pleased to announce the purchase of an unlimited usage ESdat Licence by URS for its Australian and New Zealand Offices.

URS will use ESdat to manage laboratory and field data related to groundwater, contaminated site, and other environmental projects.

[Editor] Read on for the rest of the press release from EScIS and ESdat [/Editor]



URS Completes $3.1 Billion Buyout

URS Corp. has completed the buyout of Washington Group International Inc. for $3.1 billion in cash and stock. I saw the buyout listed as $3.2 billion somewhere else…hey, what’s another $100 million, right? Read more about the deal.

I used to work for URS, and we used to joke about their seemingly continuous acquisition of companies. Hence the Borg reference in the image I created at left.

"We are URS. You will be assimilated. Your engineering and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own." — Martin Koffel (just kidding)
