Golder CEO Hisham Mahmoud Named CEO of the Year by EFCG

Golder CEO Hisham Mahmoud Named CEO of the Year by EFCG

Hisham Mahmoud, PhD, PE, of Golder was named as the CEO of the Year by EFCG, a prominent financial consulting firm focusing on the A/E/C industry.  The award was presented at the 29th annual EFCG CEO Conference held this month in New York City which was attended by CEOs and senior executives from over 250 engineering and consulting companies from around the globe.  According to ECFG:

“We selected Dr. Mahmoud based upon his extraordinary leadership in the key executive positions he has held over the last two decades. Specifically, his leadership and impact on Golder’s performance, since he took over three years ago as the company’s first externally-appointed CEO, has been nothing short of tremendous, creating a lot of value in a short period of time,” says Paul Zofnass, EFCG President.  “While it is easy to focus solely on the financial success of the business, we realize that such performance improvement is impossible without significant cultural alignment, which in our view only comes from strong leadership, starting with the CEO.”

More Info: Golder CEO Hisham Mahmoud Named CEO of the Year by EFCG | Golder

[Editor] GeoPrac President Randy Post is an employee of Golder.  The views and opinions expressed on this site are solely his own. [/Editor]