Lessons Yet to be Learned on Tailings Dam Failures

The keynote address at the 2019 Tailings & Mine Waste conference was presented by Terry Eldridge of Golder. Terry described the lessons learned from the tailings dam failures around the world in recent years. He emphasized the importance of tailings practitioners and geotechnical engineers reading the reports detailing the cause of each incident so that the industry can collectively learn from its mistakes. But he also spends a good portion of his time going over the many high-profile tailings dam failures. So for those not as actively involved in this area of practice, it is a great overview. This is a fantastic presentation and one that all geotechnical engineers will find interesting, particularly those involved in large dams, and those interested in forensic analysis of failures.

[Editor] Randy Post, the President of GeoPrac.net, is an employee of Golder. The views expressed on this website are his own, and do not represent those of his employer. [/Editor]