Tensar's Triax Geogrid

Getting Under Your Feet – The Revolutionary Technology of Geogrids

Tensar's Triax Geogrid Most people reading this will have driven along a highway recently. But did you ever stop to think about how it stays up? With all the trucks and cars that speed along the average highway every day, it’s a wonder they don’t collapse!

Now how would you feel if you heard that the reason these highways and bridges and embankments manage to stay so stable is all thanks to the simple triangle?

[Editor] Read on for this contributed article from Tensar International! [/Editor]



Review of GeotechTools.org – Geo-Construction Information and Technology Selection Guidance

GeotechTools.orgI first heard about Geotech Tools through a TRB Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) publication titled Geotechnical Solutions for Soil Improvement, Rapid Embankment Construction, and Stabilization of the Pavement Working Platform. The final version of the report was released in February of this year. The report is one of the project deliverables for the SHRP 2 Project R02.

The primary deliverable of the project and the subject of this review is Geotechtools.org, a web-based tool for geotechnical engineers, structural engineers and pavement engineers. This website is a “toolkit of geotechnical information to address all phases of decision making from planning to design to construction.” What does that mean exactly? Great question. In this article I will give you an overview of the site and its resources and how it might help you on your next project.


Kleinfelder CEO Bill Siegel

We must not sell ourselves short: Engineering is an honorable profession

Kleinfelder CEO Bill Siegel

[Editor] Do we as geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists realize the impact of what it is that we do in our professions? Kleinfelder CEO Bill Siegel thinks we need to step back once and a while and look at the significance of our work. In this article contributed to GeoPrac.net, Mr. Siegel describes his observations at more than 50 Kleinfelder offices in this regard. I think I for one will have to work at taking his advice. Click through for Mr. Siegel’s excellent article. [/Editor]


Geofoam used on Pacific Street Bridge Project in Omaha, Nebraska

Geofoam Offers Performance and Efficiency, Streamlining Nebraska Traffic

Geofoam used on Pacific Street Bridge Project in Omaha, Nebraska[Editor] Geofoam is a great tool to have in your geotechnical toolbox. It can be used to reduce vertical loads to control settlement or to reduce lateral loads on bridge abutments or other structures. The Pacific Street Bridge Project in Omaha, Nebraska is one project that used geofoam for both of these purposes. In this article, author Nico Sutmoller, Geofoam Specialist with Insulfoam, LLC describes this excellent case study in the application of geofoam to meet the project objectives and provide aditional efficiencies during the construction phase. Nico, thanks for sharing with us! [/Editor]


Apollo 11 LM Pad

The Ultimate Geotechnical Engineering Challenge

The Lunar Module landing pad

Most people are aware that Apollo 11 was the NASA where man first set foot on the Moon. But before they could set foot on it, they had to set the landing pads of the LM there! How did they come up with geotechnical soil parameters for the design of the LM’s footpads? How did they determine a bearing capacity of lunar soil? Click through for this facinating article that I hope you will share with your colleagues.
