Press Releases

Nicholson Awarded Design-Build Contract for Miami-Dade’s Norris Cut Project

Pittsburgh, PA – January, 7, 2014 – Nicholson Construction was recently awarded a $72.1 million dollar Design-Build contract to replace an existing force main from the Virginia Key Central District Wastewater Treatment Plant (CDWWTP) under Biscayne Bay Norris Cut to Fisher Island.

The project, which involves changing out the current 54-inch sewer force main for a 60-inch replacement, is set to last approximately 26 months. The main scope includes the installation of a precast concrete segmental tunnel, which will stretch more than a mile from the treatment plant on Virginia Key to Fisher Island.

[Editor] Read on for the rest of the press release from sponsor Nicholson Construction! [/Editor]


NCHRP Synthesis Report 429: Geotechnical Information Practices in Design-Build Projects
Available Resources

Geotechnical Information Practices in Design-Build Projects

TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 429: Geotechnical Information Practices in Design-Build Projects addresses how states use geotechnical information in solicitation documents and contracts for design-build highway projects. The report examines current practices […]