Anacostia River in Washington D.C.
Project Related

12 Miles of Tunnels for D.C. Sewer

Anacostia River in Washington D.C.In Washington D.C., the D.C. Water and Sewer Authority (D.C. WASA) finalized a lont-term plan in 2002 aimed at reducing combined sewer outfalls into the Potomac River and its tributary, the Anacostia River. A major portion of this plan is a $2.2 Billion (US) deep tunnel program to handle excess stormwater flows and prevent the combined sewage from being discharged into the environment. Read on for a map and more info. (Photo of Anacostia River, by D.C. WASA)


Erosion control wattles on palletes from
Available Resources

BMPs for Geotechnical Drilling and Well Drilling

Stormwater Pollution Prevention regulations require the use of best management practices (BMPs) for any project involving site disturbance of over an acre. Usually for geotechnical drilling and well drilling, the sites are much smaller, so […]