Software Updates

MSEW and ReSSA Updates

ADAMA Software has released update 10.1 for their Mechanically Stabilized Earth retaining wall design software, MSEW 3.0 as of September 29, 2009. Click through for the download link and a few of the changes.

I expect that when the new FHWA MSE Wall Manual hits the street in a few months time that we will see some significant updates with the MSEW software package.



Video of Car Swallowed by Sinkhole Related to Tunneling in Cairo, Egypt


On September 3, a sinkhole opened up on a downtown Cairo street, swallowing the car pictured here. According to the description accompanying the video uploaded to YouTube by TheDailyNewsEgypt, the sinkhole was related to tunneling activities for the Cairo Metro line that is currently under construction. Click through for the video. […]

American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTM
Standards and Codes

ASTM Updates September 2009

American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTMThis post contains a summary of geotechnical, materials testing, geosynthetic and related testing standards that were updated by ASTM during the month of September. This month there were not as many updates as the last couple, but a few that caught my eye are a new standard for measuring geosynthetic-soil resilient interface shear stiffness, a revision to the standard practice for laboratories testing concrete and concrete aggregates for use in construction and criteria for laboratory evaluation and a revision to the standard for measuring slump flow of self-consolidating concrete.


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Weekend CUP

Weekend CUP September 21, 2009

Top Nine Favorite Innovations of ArcGIS 9.4 [] Remote Object Monitoring on Google Maps – Website that allows users to display real-time sensor data. Potential applications for geotech? (via Google Maps Mania) Powerful Earthquake Kills […]

Novo Tech Software
Press Releases

Novo Tech Software Offers New gINT-Compatible Geotechnical Tools

Novo Tech Software

New gINT Developer Partner Products Help with SPT and 3D Visualization

North Vancouver, BC, Canada – September 14, 2009 – Novo Tech Software

Novo Tech, a Vancouver-based geotechnical software developer, is pleased to announce that it has become a gINT Software Developer Partner. Kicking off this new developer partnership, Novo Tech’s newly released tools, NovoSPT, NovoLiq and Vislog, will officially become add-ons to gINT within the coming weeks. [Editor] Click through for the rest of the press release. [/Editor]


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Rockman's Ramblings

ASCE G-I: Proposed “Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Practice”

Most geotechs are familiar with the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (JGGE), one of the (if not the) premier journal in the industry. It’s published by the ASCE’s Geo-Institute (G-I) and accounts for about 20% of the revenue of the G-I organization.

The G-I’s President, Dr. Jean-Louis Briaud, convened a task force in early 2009 to investigate if the JGGE is “adequately serving as a venue for practice oriented papers.” According to the final report from the Proposed "Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Practice" Task Force, the reason for the task force is that:


Anacostia River in Washington D.C.
Project Related

12 Miles of Tunnels for D.C. Sewer

Anacostia River in Washington D.C.In Washington D.C., the D.C. Water and Sewer Authority (D.C. WASA) finalized a lont-term plan in 2002 aimed at reducing combined sewer outfalls into the Potomac River and its tributary, the Anacostia River. A major portion of this plan is a $2.2 Billion (US) deep tunnel program to handle excess stormwater flows and prevent the combined sewage from being discharged into the environment. Read on for a map and more info. (Photo of Anacostia River, by D.C. WASA)
