New Standards
- C1746/C1746M – Standard Test Method for Measurement of Suspended Sediment Removal Efficiency of Hydrodynamic Stormwater Separators and Underground Settling Devices is a new standard, now available. C1746/C1746M-12
- C1761/C1761M – Standard Specification for Lightweight Aggregate for Internal Curing of Concrete is a new standard, now available. C1761/C1761M-12
- D7743 – Standard Test Method for Measuring the Minimum Fluidization Velocities of Free Flowing Powders is a new standard, now available. D7743-12
- D7760 – Standard Test Method for Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Tire Derived Aggregates Using a Rigid Wall Permeameter is a new standard, now available. D7760-12
- D7765 – Standard Practice for Use of Foundry Sand in Structural Fill and Embankments is a new standard, now available. D7765-12
Revised Standards
- C62 – Standard Specification for Building Brick (Solid Masonry Units Made From Clay or Shale) has been revised to C62-12
- C67 – Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Brick and Structural Clay Tile has been revised to C67-12
- C90 – Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units has been revised to C90-12
- C126 – Standard Specification for Ceramic Glazed Structural Clay Facing Tile, Facing Brick, and Solid Masonry Units has been revised to C126-12
- C226 – Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Additions for Use in the Manufacture of Air-Entraining Hydraulic Cement has been revised to C226-12
- C652 – Standard Specification for Hollow Brick (Hollow Masonry Units Made From Clay or Shale) has been revised to C652-12
- C936/C936M – Standard Specification for Solid Concrete Interlocking Paving Units has been revised to C936/C936M-12
- C1088 – Standard Specification for Thin Veneer Brick Units Made From Clay or Shale has been revised to C1088-12
- C1093 – Standard Practice for Accreditation of Testing Agencies for Masonry has been revised to C1093-12
- C1227 – Standard Specification for Precast Concrete Septic Tanks has been revised to C1227-12
- C1232 – Standard Terminology of Masonry has been revised to C1232-12
- C1405 – Standard Specification for Glazed Brick (Single Fired, Brick Units) has been revised to C1405-12
- C1532/C1532M – Standard Practice for Selection, Removal, and Shipment of Manufactured Masonry Units and Masonry Specimens from Existing Construction has been revised (with designation change) to C1532/C1532M-12
- C1550 – Standard Test Method for Flexural Toughness of Fiber Reinforced Concrete (Using Centrally Loaded Round Panel) has been revised to C1550-12
- C1741 – Standard Test Method for Bleed Stability of Cementitious Post-Tensioning Tendon Grout has been revised to C1741-12
- D4381/D4381M – Standard Test Method for Sand Content by Volume of Bentonitic Slurries has been revised (with designation change) to D4381/D4381M-12
- D6780/D6780M – Standard Test Method for Water Content and Density of Soil In situ by Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) has been revised (with title change) to D6780/D6780M-12
- E165/E165M – Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Examination for General Industry has been revised (with designation change) to E165/E165M-12
- E650/E650M – Standard Guide for Mounting Piezoelectric Acoustic Emission Sensors has been revised (with designation change) to E650/E650M-12
- E749/E749M – Standard Practice for Acoustic Emission Monitoring During Continuous Welding has been revised (with designation change) to E749/E749M-12
- E751/E751M – Standard Practice for Acoustic Emission Monitoring During Resistance Spot-Welding has been revised (with designation change) to E751/E751M-12
- E1032 – Standard Test Method for Radiographic Examination of Weldments has been revised to E1032-12
- E1066/E1066M – Standard Practice for Ammonia Colorimetric LeakTesting has been revised (with title change) to E1066/E1066M-12
- E1135 – Standard Test Method for Comparing the Brightness of Fluorescent Penetrants has been revised to E1135-12
- E1139/E1139M – Standard Practice for Continuous Monitoring of Acoustic Emission from Metal Pressure Boundaries has been revised (with designation change) to E1139/E1139M-12
- E1211/E1211M – Standard Practice for Leak Detection and Location Using Surface-Mounted Acoustic Emission Sensors has been revised (with designation change) to E1211/E1211M-12
- E1211/E1211M – Standard Practice for Leak Detection and Location Using Surface-Mounted Acoustic Emission Sensors has been revised (with designation change) to E1211/E1211M-12
- E1390 – Standard Specification for Illuminators Used for Viewing Industrial Radiographs has been revised to E1390-12
- E1495/E1495M – Standard Guide for Acousto-Ultrasonic Assessment of Composites, Laminates, and Bonded Joints has been revised (with designation change) to E1495/E1495M-12
- E1774 – Standard Guide for Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers (EMATs) has been revised to E1774-12
- E1774 – Standard Guide for Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers (EMATs) has been revised to E1774-12
- E1888/E1888M – Standard Practice for Acoustic Emission Examination of Pressurized Containers Made of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic with Balsa Wood Cores has been revised to E1888/E1888M-12
- E1930/E1930M – Standard Practice for Examination of Liquid-Filled Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Metal Storage Tanks Using Acoustic Emission has been revised (with designation change) to E1930/E1930M-12
- E2580 – Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of Flat Panel Composites and Sandwich Core Materials Used in Aerospace Applications has been revised to E2580-12
- E2863 – Standard Practice for Acoustic Emission Examination of Welded Steel Sphere Pressure Vessels Using Thermal Pressurization has been revised to E2863-12
Other Changes to Standards
- E1496 – Standard Test Method for Neutron Radiographic Dimensional Measurements (Withdrawn 2012) has been withdrawn, with no replacement. E1496-
- E1496 – Standard Test Method for Neutron Radiographic Dimensional Measurements (Withdrawn 2012) has been withdrawn, with no replacement. E1496-
GeoPrac and ASTM Standards Updates
ASTM standards are an important part of my geotechnical engineering practice, and keeping up with changes can be a challenging thing. Their website offers an ASTM standards tracker service that will email you a weekly update on new, revised or otherwise modified standards for your areas of interest. I try to sift through these weekly updates and provide a monthly update to GeoPrac readers that contains changes to standards (no work items) that may be of interest to them in their practice. I look at updates from the following ASTM comittees:
- C01 – Cement
- C07 – Lime
- C09 – Concrete and Concrete Aggregates
- C15 – Manufactured Masonry Units
- C17 – Fiber-Reinforced Cement Products
- C18 – Dimension Stone
- C27 – Precast Concrete Products
- D04 – Road and Paving Materials
- D18 – Soil and Rock
- D19 – Water
- D35 – Geosynthetics
- E07 – Nondestructive Testing
- E27 – Hazard Potential of Chemicals
- E44 – Solar, Geothermal and Other Alternative Energy Sources
- G01 – Corrosion of Metals