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Rockman's Ramblings

Most Popular Content of 2009

Best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2010 to all the readers of! I am grateful for all of my readers, visitors and sponsors for a great 2009 and I look forward to continuing to work in the new year towards making this site one of the best online resources for geotechnical engineers, geoengineers and all professionals in the geo-industry.

As is customary for bloggers at this time of year, I have listed below the top 100 stories published in 2009. Long-time readers of GeoPrac know that I don’t like to rank the articles by total number of ‘hits’, since I think that biases the rankings towards the ones that have been published longer. Instead, I order them by hits per day. I think that works well when looking at popularity of content on a monthly basis, but just for grins I’ve also included the top 100 items of all time (based on total page impressions). Again, Happy New Year!

Click Through for the Top Content of 2009 and All-Time!
