Revised Standards
- C39/C39M – Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens has been revised to C39/C39M-09
- C94/C94M – Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete has been revised to C94/C94M-09a
- C332 – Standard Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for Insulating Concrete has been revised to C332-09
- C802 – Standard Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Test Program to Determine the Precision of Test Methods for Construction Materials has been revised to C802-09
- D888 – Standard Test Methods for Dissolved Oxygen in Water has been revised to D888-09
- D6072/D6072M – Standard Practice for Obtaining Samples of Geosynthetic Clay Liners has been revised (with designation change) to D6072/D6072M-09
- D6141 – Standard Guide for Screening Clay Portion of Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) for Chemical Compatibility to Liquids has been revised to D6141-09
Reapproved Standards
- D4491 – Standard Test Methods for Water Permeability of Geotextiles by Permittivity has been reapproved, available as D4491-99a(2009)
GeoPrac and ASTM Standards Updates
ASTM standards are an important part of my geotechnical engineering practice, and keeping up with changes can be a challenging thing. Their website offers an ASTM standards tracker service that will email you a weekly update on new, revised or otherwise modified standards for your areas of interest. I try to sift through these weekly updates and provide a monthly update to GeoPrac readers that contains changes to standards (no work items) that may be of interest to them in their practice. I look at updates from the following ASTM comittees:
- C01 – Cement
- C07 – Lime
- C09 – Concrete and Concrete Aggregates
- C15 – Manufactured Masonry Units
- C17 – Fiber-Reinforced Cement Products
- C18 – Dimension Stone
- C27 – Precast Concrete Products
- D04 – Road and Paving Materials
- D18 – Soil and Rock
- D19 – Water
- D35 – Geosynthetics
- E07 – Nondestructive Testing
- E27 – Hazard Potential of Chemicals
- E44 – Solar, Geothermal and Other Alternative Energy Sources
- G01 – Corrosion of Metals