Weekend CUP for March 19, 2012
My list of blog-worthy items is pretty long but my spare time is short. Here are a few I haven’t gotten to that you may be interested in. 2012 Geo-Congress and Other 2012 Deep Foundations […]
My list of blog-worthy items is pretty long but my spare time is short. Here are a few I haven’t gotten to that you may be interested in. 2012 Geo-Congress and Other 2012 Deep Foundations […]
This post highlights recent changes to ASTM Standards affecting geotechnical engineers, materials testing engineers, soil and construction laboratory managers and related professionals. Updates for February include: a new standard for geospatial data at coal mines; standards related to pervious concrete; an updated standard for volumetric concrete batching; and an update to D5778 – Standard Test Method for Electronic Friction Cone and Piezocone Penetration Testing of Soils; among others. Click through for the list.
If Wolf Creek Dam in Kentucky fails, $6 billion in flood damage is projected to occur downstream. A dam foundation remediation project at Wolf Creek Dam to fix seepage and Karst solutioning problems is a […]
A new piece of equipment for deep ocean pile driving was recently used in 140m of water off the coast of Brazil. The StabFRAME is lowered to the sea floor and leveled to allow accurate […]
Structural Systems Inc. recently completed tieback anchor projects at two sites along the coast of Hawaii. Failing retaining walls were stabilized using a total of 93 anchors ranging in length from 50 to 65 feet. […]
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