If Wolf Creek Dam in Kentucky fails, $6 billion in flood damage is projected to occur downstream. A dam foundation remediation project at Wolf Creek Dam to fix seepage and Karst solutioning problems is a top priority of the USACE for this reason.
Remediation consists of building a 275-ft-deep, 3,800-ft-long concrete wall composed of secant piles and rectangular panels installed through the clay embankment and into the rock of the dam within a 5-in. tolerance.
The work is being undertaken by a joint venture of Soletanche Bachy (parent company of GeoPrac sponsor Nicholson Construction) and Treviicos. ENR has a great featur article on the work (link below), as well as a very cool video of the work that is occurring at the site. The project is approximately 74% complete. [Source: ENR: Engineering News. Image: ENR]