Announcing the GeoWorld Technical Forums: Connecting you with geoprofessionals who answer your technical questions!



July 10, 2013 – The GeoWorld professional network is pleased to announce the development of its latest innovative online tool: The Geo-Technical Forums!

The new forums were a request by a number of individuals and committees of ISSMGE and have some features that aim to satisfy professional needs for communication about technical topics within the geo-community.

This launch comes just a few weeks after the GeoWorld community voted the Technical Forums, as their most needed online tool for geoprofessionals.

The staff of has spent months working on the development of these new forums, which constitute at the same time a major upgrade of the forums previously available on They are now live and available for the 3,000 GeoWorld members! If you are not yet on GeoWorld- The Professional Online Networking Tool for Geoprofessionals, you can sign up for free in just a few minutes here:

There are a number of competitive advantages to the New GeoWorld Technical Forums, such as:


  1. Unique focus on technical issues and threads grouped per technical topic
  2. Exceptionally high visibility and participation by over 3,000 subscribed GeoWorld members– among which are renowned geo-experts, both academicians and practitioners
  3. Automatic tracking and indexing of content using tags, that help categorize your thread and make it reach the right people so that visitors in your particular field or area of interest will participate and answer your questions
  4. Easier search and more options for indexing. High visibility of the forums in search engines.
  5. Postings are tied to each individual’s or company’s/organization’s GeoWorld account. Members of GeoWorld can establish a reputation by actively participating in the forums and providing useful feedback to colleagues worldwide.
  6. Active participants are eligible to receive free books, conference registrations, and other professional geo-gifts.
  7. As opposed to forums available elsewhere, as well as social media groups, these forums are shared with all members (i.e., each group does not have its own forum) so that there is one central location where all questions are asked and answered!

So go ahead and check out the forums and post your questions! The GeoWorld team looks forward to receiving your feedback at .

We hope you will share our enthusiasm for this ground-breaking forum board and that you will participate and get the most out of the GeoWorld Technical Forums!