
On vacation…

I’m headed for a little vacation with the family, so no updates for the next week or so. When I get back, don’t miss a review of the first geotechnical iPhone/iPad app, a revamped Facebook […]

No Picture
Weekend CUP

Weekend CUP July 16, 2010

Aging pier footings pass safety tests for Dulles Metrorail Project – Source: Washington Post via CE News The Geo-Institute is proud to announce that Rob Schweinfurth became the G-I’s new director on July 1, 2010 […]

Press Releases

Agra Foundations Acquired by Soletanche Freyssinet

PITTSBURGH, PA – July 13, 2010 – Nicholson Construction Company is pleased to announce that Soletanche Freyssinet, a world leader in civil engineering and construction, acquired Agra Foundations Limited on June 25, 2010. Agra Foundations specializes in piling and ground improvement. Agra is headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, and primarily operates in Western & Central Canada, where it has six office locations. Agra Foundations will continue to operate as an autonomous company, under the leadership of their President, Derek Harris, P.Eng, a 28 year veteran of the company.

[Editor] Read on for the rest of the press release from GeoPrac.net sponsor Nicholson Construction Company. [/Editor]


Devil's Slide photo by Jimmy Lin
Weekend CUP

Weekend CUP July 12, 2010

Nice photo of Devil’s Slide on CA 1 (the PCH) – Source: Flickr You can see the cap beam for some of the ground anchors that are holding up the highway, and you can also […]