3D Imagery for Austin Texas in the New Google Earth 7
Available Resources

Introducing Google Earth 7

Google released Google Earth 7 last month. The major new feature is their 3D Imagery feature that allows for scary realistic 3D views of cityscapes…until you zoom in tight. Another new feature is a tour […]

New elevation profiles in Google Earth 5.2
Software Updates

Google Earth 5.2 Released

Better support for GPS tracks and elevation profiles are some of the features found in this new version 5.2 of Google Earth. Also there is an improved embedded browser for handling links within GE and […]

Software Updates

Embeded Google Earth in Web Pages

Google has just released an API, or application programmer’s interface for Google Earth that allows website developers to embed a google earth application in any website. Users will have to have Google Earth installed on their systems and they will need a plugin which aside from a browser restart, installs rather painlessly. So now instead of seeing a Google map embedded on a web page, you will start seeing an instance of Google Earth so you can pan around in 3D. Pretty Cool. Check out an example and some video from Google after the break.


Available Resources

February Update of Google Earth Imagery

I don’t know about you, but I’ve found Google Earth to be a very useful tool in my practice. Whether it is scoping out a site I’ve never seen before or creating a boring location plan or other figure for a report. Feel the same way? Then you might be interested in some recent (February 19, 2008) updates to Google Imagery and other data. Higher resolution images are always welcome! Comprehensive list after the break. 
