DFI Forms New DFI Technical Committee: Subsurface Characterization for Deep Foundations
Hawthorne, NJ (May 28, 2014): DFI announces the formation of a new, 16th technical committee focusing on site investigation for deep foundation design and construction.
The Subsurface Characterization for Deep Foundations Committee was formed to increase awareness of the importance of complete and competent site investigation in deep foundation practices. The specific goals of the committee will be defined by the committee members, however, initially the committee will discuss and define subsurface characterization needs from the point of view of the entire geotechnical/foundation industry. This will facilitate getting correct and comprehensive information to the end users (designers and contractors) and minimize change condition issues/debates. The committee will liaise with associated committees from other organizations and agencies to broaden the discussion within the engineering community. The objective is to find the common ground that allows the entire geotechnical industry and all project participants to minimize disagreement during construction, align expectations, and improve communication and understanding among related parties.
[Editor] Click through for the rest of the press release and to find out how to get involved with this new DFI committee. [/Editor]