Hayward Baker Breaks Ground on Recently Awarded K-10 South Lawrence Trafficway Ground Improvement Project in Lawrence, Kansas
Hayward Baker (HB) recently began work on a $9.1 million ground improvement contract for the K-10 South Lawrence Trafficway (SLT) Project located in Lawrence, Kan. as a subcontractor to Emery Sapp & Sons, Inc. The project provides a significantly improved transportation infrastructure for the state, making it a top priority for the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT).
Current construction will complete the southern K-10 bypass from its intersection with US 59 to the existing K-10 east of Lawrence. Construction affects 58 acres of wetlands. However, mitigation agreements between KDOT, local government agencies, and the public will create and restore 317 acres of wetlands as well as restore, preserve, and create over 50 acres of habitats.
[Editor] Click through for the rest of the press release from GeoPrac sponsor Hayward Baker. [/Editor]