This is some very interesting first-person video of a landslide near Elk City, Idaho, complete with expletives. 🙂 I can’t say I blame the videographer, it’s not every day you see a slope like that come down. Must have been quite an experience to be there! [Source: YouTube. Image: YouTube]
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Rockslide Closes I-40 in Western North Carolina
A massive rockslide closed a busy interstate route last week near the border between Tennessee and North Carolina in Pigeon River Gorge. This area has had landslide problems in the past. In 1997 a rockslide in the same area closed the freeway for approximately 3 months. (Photo from Landslides Under a Microscope Blog, original source not cited)
I have yet to see volume estimates, but The Charlotte Observer quoted a highway patrol officer who was at the scene:
He said the roadway is covered by a gigantic mound of debris, from pebbles up to house-sized boulders. The pile is 40 to 50 feet high, Williamson estimated, and hundreds of feet long.
More info and video after the break. […]
La Jolla Landslide Update – Remediation and Legal Affairs
[Update 12/6/07] San Diego City Council approved $20 Million for the repair of Soledad Mountain Road despite concerns by some about whether funds diverted to pay for the fix will ever be repaid by Federal and State monies. Additionally, shear pin installation mentioned on the next page is scheduled to be completed by Saturday. [/Update]
A lot has happened since my last post on the Soledad Mountain Road landslide in La Jolla. I’ll try to get you caught up on the latest with remediation and legal issues. Click through for the summary.