Sixense North America launches new website
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Sixense North America Launches New Website

Sixense Northern America, a leading provider of monitoring and asset management services, announces the launch of their new website. The new website reflects Sixense’s dedication to delivering high-quality, real-time monitoring services across the continent. As […]

Charles Darwin - What's his connection to geotechnical engineering?
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A Darwin Link to Geotechnical Engineering?

Everyone knows the name Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution by natural selection. But did you know he has a connection to the roots of geotechnical engineering? Charles Darwin had some talented children, among […]

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DFI Carbon Calculator Webinar

How do you calculate the carbon footprint of deep foundations or ground improvement? You use the Carbon Calculator from the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) and the European Federation of Foundation Contractors (EFFC)! They have hosted […]

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Terzaghi Day 2023 Lecture by John Burland

Today, we celebrate Terzaghi Day, honoring the father of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering 140 years after his birth. The Geo-Institute is doing an excellent job of keeping his legacy alive, and this year, they […]

Lithos software by RockMass Technologies
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RockMass Tool for Digital Underground Mapping

Mapping rock mass structure is a key part of hard rock tunneling and underground mining. There have been a plethora of technological advances in 3D mapping and rock mass data extraction, but few are more […]