A few weeks back I was a panelist on a webinar with Bentley as part of their Year in Infrastructure (YII) conference. The webinar was titled “YII ACCELERATE: REALIZE the benefits of a connected data environment” and was presented by Roger Chandler and Phil Child of Bentley. My fellow panelist was Stephanie Boffey-Rawlings of Atkins. I’m proud of the work my Golder colleagues have been doing with OpenGround Cloud and related products. I believe it is perhaps the most ambitious undertaking of this type in the geotechnical industry. We have built up a great working relationship with the Bentley team, as well as the folks at Dataforensics!
[Editor] Bentley and Dataforensics are sponsors of GeoPrac.net. Randy Post, President and Founder of GeoPrac.net, is also an employee of Golder. The views expressed here are his own and do not represent those of Golder. [/Editor]