BoreLog_Software ESlog
Available Resources

Create borehole logs in your browser, for free

Simple, fast and intuitive web based software. No Licence, No Setup, No cost, Start Immediately. If you’ve been producing borehole and well logs in traditional ways through desktop database applications, such as gINT and WinLog, […]

This GRS-IBS solution is the first in a marine environment.

Maine Bridge Uses First GRS Wall in a Marine Environment

This GRS-IBS solution is the first in a marine environment.The City of North Haven is located on an island off the coast of Maine. This town was faced with a unique challenge when a bridge needed replacing. Looking for an economical option, designers decided on a Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil – Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS). This solution allowed the town and DOT to re-use an existing bridge pier, beat the construction deadlines, and provide a modern bridge solution for this small town.

[Editor] Read on for more on this fascinating project in a contributed article by Lindsey Manthei O’Connor of Redi-Rock! [/Editor]


Press Releases

DFI Forms New DFI Technical Committee: Subsurface Characterization for Deep Foundations

DFI_LogoHawthorne, NJ (May 28, 2014): DFI announces the formation of a new, 16th technical committee focusing on site investigation for deep foundation design and construction.

The Subsurface Characterization for Deep Foundations Committee was formed to increase awareness of the importance of complete and competent site investigation in deep foundation practices. The specific goals of the committee will be defined by the committee members, however, initially the committee will discuss and define subsurface characterization needs from the point of view of the entire geotechnical/foundation industry. This will facilitate getting correct and comprehensive information to the end users (designers and contractors) and minimize change condition issues/debates. The committee will liaise with associated committees from other organizations and agencies to broaden the discussion within the engineering community. The objective is to find the common ground that allows the entire geotechnical industry and all project participants to minimize disagreement during construction, align expectations, and improve communication and understanding among related parties.

[Editor] Click through for the rest of the press release and to find out how to get involved with this new DFI committee. [/Editor]


President Barack Obama tours the Port of Miami Tunnel project before delivering remarks on infrastructure, in Miami, Fla., March 29, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Weekend CUP for June 11, 2013

Here are some stories from May (and perhaps earlier) that are still worth a look! President Obama Tours Port of Miami Tunnel Project – Source: Tunnel Business Magazine ISSMGE e-Lexicon Translates Geotechnical Terms – Source: […]

Peter Keeton
Press Releases

Peter Keeton Joins the Keynetix KeyLAB Team

Peter Keeton

Keynetix are pleased to announce that as a result of the recent success of the KeyLAB program, Peter Keeton has joined Keynetix to further strengthen the KeyLAB team. Peter has over 40 years of experience working in and managing geotechnical laboratories for Soil Mechanics and has been an influential member of the CEN European standards working group on geotechnical testing. [Editor] Click through for the rest of the press release from Keynetix. [/Editor]


No Picture
Weekend CUP

Weekend CUP for February 10, 2011

Haiti One Year On… – Source: Natural Hazard Media Monitoring Design change to again delay Lake Mead project – Source: via AGC SmartBrief Family member receives $100,000 for Logan, UT landslide loss – Source: […]

No Picture

Most Popular Content of 2010

I can’t believe it’s that time of year again.  Here are the top 100 geotechnical engineering, geological engineering, engineering geology and geoconstruction  articles posted in 2010!  As I have mentioned before, I don’t like to rank based purely on the number of hits since it biases content that has been published for longer.  Instead, I normalize to hits per day.  As a bonus, I threw in the top 100 of all time based purely on hits.  Without further ado…


Devils Slide Tunnel
Weekend CUP

Weekend CUP for September 22, 2010

It’s been a busy couple of weeks, here’s a big catch up list. Death toll from NW China landslide rises to 1,467 – Source: The Jakarta Post via USGS Landslide Events Is Natural Gas Drilling […]

Belo Monte Dam Complex
Weekend CUP

Weekend CUP for September 1, 2010

China: Three Gorges Dam’s image showing some cracks – Source: via ASCE SmartBrief After the serious flooding in China this summer, Chinese officials have downgraded the design flood that they expect the dam to […]