Thank you to all GeoPrac.net visitors for a great year! Here is the most popular content of 2019. Many of these articles are “oldies but goodies”. Enjoy!
- Semi Crashes Into Geotechnical Drilling Site in Washington State
- Watch Boulder’s 2,200′ Journey to Utah Resident’s Front Door!
- Engineering Geologists vs Geological Engineers vs Geotechnical Engineers
- The Ultimate Geotechnical Engineering Challenge
- Geotechnical Engineering on the Moon? 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11 Landing
- Free Online Soil USCS Calculator
- North America’s Tallest MSE Retaining Wall
- Corpscon Version 6.0
- Debris Flow Videos from Chamoson, Switzerland August 7th, 2018
- gINT Professional Software Explained
- Foundations and Geotechnical Engineering for the Burj Dubai – World’s Tallest Building
- New Manual on Subsurface Investigations
- Create borehole logs in your browser, for free
- Geo-Companies in ENR 2019 Top 500 Design Firms
- Bentley’s Previews OpenGround at Year in Infrastructure Conference
- A Rare Film of Terzaghi, Casagrande, and Others
- Tensar Wins Patent Cases Against Chinese Infringers
- CPT Geotechnical Design Manual from Minnesota DOT
- Apparent Foundation Failure of MSE Wall on US 36 Impacts Busy Denver-Boulder Route
- FHWA NHI Manual: Drilled Shafts Construction Procedures and LRFD Design Methods
- Sheet Pile Wall SLOPE/W example problem
- Bentley Systems Announces the Acquisition of Keynetix, Provider of Geotechnical Data Management Cloud Services
- Video: Rockfall Near Miss at Spantik Basecamp
- House-size Boulders Close Colorado 145
- MSEW 3.0 Update 13.1 from ADAMA Engineering
- SNAP-2 Soil Nail Wall Software Update
- Giant Rockfall Crushes House in Les Mees, France
- Big Stan – Biggest Truck Mounted Drill in the Southwest Busy near Las Vegas
- 6 Free Sites for Geotechnical Webinars and Technical References
- Motorist Killed by Landslide in Tennessee
- Video of Buildings Swaying in Manila During Earthquake
- Video: Brumadinho, Brazil Tailings Dam Collapse
- Video: Retaining Wall Collapse in Istanbul
- Golder Celebrates Retirement of Rock Mechanics Legend Ted Brown
- Autodesk Geotechnical Module 2019 Released