Available Resources

2015 Seed Lecture – Peter Robertson on Liquefaction

Peter K. Robertson, Ph.D., P.Eng, Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta, Technical Advisor, Gregg Drilling & Testing Inc. is the 2015 recipient of the H. Bolton Seed Medal for outstanding contributions to teaching, research, or practice […]

Software Updates

NovoLIQ Introduction Video

NovoLIQ software by GeoPrac sponsor Novotech allows geotechnical engineers to perform soil liquefaction analysis. NovoLIQ covers several liquefaction triggering analysis including post liquefaction parameters and dry sand settlement. This program covers SPT, Vs and BPT […]

Bertha's new bearing is delivered
Project Related

Bertha TBM Gets Spare Parts

The Bertha TBM just received a shipment of spare parts to repair the giant tunneling machine. The manufacturer decided to redesign the seal system to make it easier to access from the inside, if necessary. […]

New Geo-Institute Website
Available Resources

Geo-Institute Launches New Website

From the G-I eUpdate Newsletter: The Geo-Institute is proud to announce the launch of its new website! With the same URL as before, www.geoinstitute.org, the website strives to support and communicate the value and dynamism […]

No Picture

Keynetix and BGS to develop BIM for the subsurface

GeoPrac sponsor Keynetix has announced some exciting news, a collaboration with the British Geotechnical Survey (BGS) on a research project to develop BIM models for geotechnical and geological data. Watch the video below, or read […]

Weekend CUP

Weekend CUP for June 9, 2015

It’s been a busy few months, as I note in my most recent email newsletter. Here are some stories I never got a chance to blog about.

And click through for the rest of the list…


GeoPrac Newsletter 053
Rockman's Ramblings

GeoPrac Newsletter 053 Is Out

The latest issue of the GeoPrac newsletter, number 053, is out. Did you miss it? Find out what I’ve been up to over the past few months. And catch up on things you missed, like: […]

This GRS-IBS solution is the first in a marine environment.

Maine Bridge Uses First GRS Wall in a Marine Environment

This GRS-IBS solution is the first in a marine environment.The City of North Haven is located on an island off the coast of Maine. This town was faced with a unique challenge when a bridge needed replacing. Looking for an economical option, designers decided on a Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil – Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS). This solution allowed the town and DOT to re-use an existing bridge pier, beat the construction deadlines, and provide a modern bridge solution for this small town.

[Editor] Read on for more on this fascinating project in a contributed article by Lindsey Manthei O’Connor of Redi-Rock! [/Editor]
