2017 Karl Terzaghi Award Lecture by Kerry Rowe
Comings and Goings

2021 Award Winners from the Geo-Institute

The Geo-Institute of ASCE presents a number of prestigious awards every year to deserving members of the geotechnical engineering community. Congratulations to this year’s awardees: Karl Terzaghi Lecturer – Gregory B. Baecher, Ph.D. P.E., NAE, M.ASCE […]

Ralph B. Peck - 1912-2008
In Memoriam

Geoengineer.org: New Ralph Peck

[Update 10/29/08 10pm] See below. [/Update] The Geoengineer.org website is developing a website honoring the memory of Professor Emeritus Ralph B. Peck. As you no doubt read previously on Geoprac or elsewhere, Ralph Peck passed […]

In Memoriam

Ralph B. Peck: 1912 – 2008

Ralph B. Peck, Professor Emeritus of Foundation Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign died of congestive heart failure on February 18, 2008, at his home in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  He was born in Winnipeg, Canada, to his American parents, Orwin K and Ethel Huyck Peck on June 23, 1912. [Editor] More after the break [/Editor] 
