Oceanside, Calif.— DBM Contractors, Inc. performed emergency landslide repair for the Sprinter Mainline in the city of Oceanside. The slide occurred during earth moving to build a retaining wall at the base of a steep slope adjacent to the new Sprinter Mainline. The slope stabilization project required installing four rows of permanent anchors, with each row containing 43 anchors ranging in length from 90 feet to 115 feet along a span of 350 feet. The lowest row of anchors was in very close proximity to the utilities on the site requiring diligent care and some modifications of the work. The seven-strand permanent anchor tendons were locked off at 240 kips. Anchor reaction grade beams were built of reinforced shotcrete measuring 6 feet high and 2 feet thick. From Associated Construction Publications article. (Image Copyright DBM Contractors, Inc.)