Engineers for a 1,100 km (683 miles) transmission line in Newfoundland performed only a desktop geotechnical study with no field investigation or ground truthing. As you might expect, foundation conditions were not what they assumed for the bidding and the result was costly redesign and change orders from the contractor. The overall project is $650M (CAD) over budget, but it’s not entirely clear how much of that is for the foundations. But according to CBC News, the transmission line owner, Nalcor Energy, agreed to a $250M (CAD) settlement with the contractor, Valard, for the foundations and also agreed to perform a geotechnical investigation for the remaining portions of the project. The line runs from Muskrat Falls to Soldiers Pond on Newfoundland’s Avalon Peninsula.
Source: Foundation miscalculation: Why the Muskrat transmission line went so far over budget | CBC News Photo: Terry Roberts/CBC