San Antonio retaining wall failure landslide

Retaining wall failure and landslide in San Antonio Displaces 25 Homeowners

San Antonio retaining wall failure landslideA 20 to 30-ft high retaining wall in a subdivision in San Antonio Texas failed on Sunday causing an evacuation of 80 homes. After an initial inspection, some 55 home-owners were allowed to return.  The massive tension cracks that opened along the wall and behind it were 12-15-ft deep and 6-8-ft wide. Reportedly, the wall had problems even before the subdivision was even constructed. More after the break. (Photo by Jerry Lara – San Antonio Express-News)


Geologic Hazards

Pittsburgh Area Has 49 Active Landslides

The Pittsburgh area has  49 active landslides or retaining wall failures in 29 neighborhoods according to a Pittsburgh Public Works Department survey. The estimated cost to fix 24 of those issues effecting public land is $7.4 million, which the City doesn’t have. Story source: Pittsburgh Live by way of (Map by BOB NEWELL/TRIBUNE-REVIEW)
