You can download the JFTAP Engineering and Geology Practice guidelines document from the Geo-Institute
You can Read Mr. Molinari’s email at the blog of the Arizona Section of AEG. The gist of it is that AEG has extended their deadline for comments on the document to June 15, 2009 after learning that the Geo-Institute has issued the document to their members and are soliciting feedback by the same date.
After reading that post, I checked and did confirm that there is JFTAP info on the home page of the Geo-Institute. There is a Word document indicating that the comment period will be from April 15 to June 15 but apparently they decided to post the info early. I hope all G-I members (and AEG and AIPG) members pay attention as this document could profoundly affect the way that engineering and geology are practiced in our industry.
I didn’t participate, but my local section of AEG met and discussed the document and provided their comments to the AEG national officers and did an excellent job hitting on some very important issues. Look for GeoPrac to keep a close eye on this issue and to provide regular updates whenever we hear anything.