This is a horrible and tragic story. A sinkhole opened overnight on Thursday of last week underneath the bedroom of 36 year-old Jeff Bush in Hillsborough County, Florida. The man was swallowed by the sinkhole, pulling him down at least 20 feet. The man’s brother attempted to save him, but was not successful and had to be rescued by firefighters himself. [Photo Credit: USA News via Examiner.com]
Local officials had geophysical surveys performed to determine the size of the sinkhole and evaluate the hazard posed to rescuers and other nearby houses. The sinkhole was determined to pose a serious risk, and some residents were required to leave their homes, some being given only 30 minutes to clear out their things.
The latest estimates are that the sinkhole is up to 50 feet deep and 30 feet wide and still growing. The latest bit of news indicated that the local officials have called off the effort to recover the body of the victim and have begun to demolish the house. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victim and his friends and family. The accounts of the brother are horrifying, and now the poor family must come to grips that this sinkhole will be his final resting place.
Today Show Video – Home is Being Demolished after Sinkhole