Available Resources

Guidance for Stabilizing Slopes for Non-Geotechs

The Minnesota Department of Transportation has released a technical brief that determines effective methods for stabilizing damaged roadway slopes. These methods could be used for local non-geotechnical engineers (ie. maintenance personnel) to identify the type […]

Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Slope Supporting a Rail Line, Strata Geosynthetics
Available Resources

Strata’s New Geotechnical Software for GRS Design

Strata Systems, Inc. has released StrataPro™ geotechnical software for design of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) structures.  The software is free, available upon request from Strata Systems. More at Geosynthetica.net: Strata’s New Geotechnical Software Focuses on GRS Design

Digitilt AT Inclinometer Equipment from DGSI Slope Indicator
Available Resources

DGSI Offers Inclinometer Trade-in Program

DGSI, known for their Slope Indicator inclinometer equipment, announced a trade-in program of up to $3,500 in credit towards their new Digitilt AT System.  Their new system features new solid-state MEMS technology, a Bluetooth cable reel […]

S&ME Logo 2017

S&ME Launches Rebrand

RALEIGH, N.C., Aug. 29, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — S&ME, an ENR Top 100 engineering firm, announces an exciting change to its corporate identity. Effective immediately, the firm has launched a new future-facing brand focused on versatility. “After 40+ years of […]