There are so many great conferences, webinars, professional meetings, training courses, and other events for a busy geoprofessional to keep up with. So I decided to create a new Calendar of Events feature at GeoPrac.net! My hope is that this community calendar will become the definitive location where you can stay up to date on upcoming events in our industry.
But I need your help! I can’t keep up with all of the events by myself, particularly with so many companies and organizations offering webinars and online training. That’s why I designed this calendar to allow calendar events to be input by members of the geoprofessional community…let’s crowd-source!
Right now adding events is open to anyone, with all events being screened and approved by me prior to publishing. Hopefully, we don’t have anyone abusing the system, but there are some options I can implement later if it becomes a problem.
Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions!
How to Submit an Event
The event submission form is pretty self-explanatory. Look for the link in the Events menu on the site as well. You can add a venue if it is an in-person event, link to the event registration form or website, and even indicate if it is a paid event or free (or just leave blank).
Available event categories are:
- Call for Abstracts
- Conference
- In-Person Training Course
- Miscellaneous Event
- Professional Meeting
- Virtual Training Course
- Webinar
Don’t forget to add tags. And adding a landscape image is highly encouraged!
Viewing Your Submitted Events
You don’t have to have an account on GeoPrac.net to submit an event. But if you think you might be submitting multiple events, consider registering for an account. If you add an event while you are logged in, you can later view your list of events and edit or delete them.