Stereo photography has long been a tool for geoengineers with respect to aerial photos. But many people are not aware that you can use stereo photography with ground based targets to create 3-D photos. I beleive the technical term is terrestrial photogrammetry (useful if you want some technical articles on the subject). [Red/cyan anaglyph by E. Mathieson]
Dr. Edmund Medley of Geosyntec, owner of the Bimrocks website, has a page on the topic of 3-D Photos in Geoengineering at the website. On it he has several PDF versions of presentations on the topic that have many examples of the applications of this type of thing to geoengineering projects and suggestions for how to implement it.
Furthermore, Dr. Medley extended a gracious offer to mail Red/Cyan anaglyph 3-D glasses to any visitors who are interested. Contact him through his Bimrocks website.