A professional river guide came under fire for a rafting trip through the site of the Oso landslide. Families of the victims issued a cease and desist order, but the trip happened anyway. Opponents of the trip likened it to taking a trip through a graveyard, that it was disrespectful to those that died in the tragedy. Others noted that places like the site of the Boston bombing and the World Trade Center did not get to become off limits after their tragedies. The guide said that it was his first and last trip to that site because of the low volume of water. [Source: Read more from Q13 FOX News. Image: Q13 Fox News]
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Oso landslide: differences of opinion about the landslide mechanisms
July 31, 2014
Geologic Hazards
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Professor Petley, the author of the Landslide Blog, has an interesting discussion about a controversy in the geoengineering / geology community regarding the Oso landslide in Washington State. The Geotechnical Engineering Extreme Events Reconaissance (or […]