Innovative Foundations for the US Border Wall
I know this topic is a bit of a political lightning rod, but I recently came across this video and was impressed with the innovative approach to constructing the foundations for the US Border Wall. […]
I know this topic is a bit of a political lightning rod, but I recently came across this video and was impressed with the innovative approach to constructing the foundations for the US Border Wall. […]
DeWind One-Pass Trenchers can install Mixed in Place Soil Bentonite, or Soil Cement Bentonite Walls up to 125′ deep. Their powerful trenchers can homogenize all of the native soils with various additives. The mixing paddles […]
This is a cool time-lapse video of a DeWind one-pass trencher installing 350 linear feet of 25′ foot deep Groundwater Collection (HDPE slotted 4″ pipe backfilled to grade with pea stone) in a single pass […]
,[Editor] From their video description: [/Editor]DeWind One-Pass Trenchers can install complete DEEP Groundwater Collection Trench Systems in a Single Pass Under the Groundwater Table! No Open Excavations-No Dewatering – No Pumping- No Treating discharge water- […]
This project video seems a few years old, but it’s relatively new on YouTube and it’s a fantastic case study of the slick method of installing groundwater interception trenches using DeWind’s remarkable one-pass trenching technology. […]
Dewind One Pass was involved in constructing a cut-off wall to address seepage issues at Tyler Dam in Tyler, Texas. The earthen dam was constructed of clay, but the foundation soil consisted of a very […]
Modified from the YouTube description: Video of a DeWind One-Pass Trencher installing a Soil-Bentonite Wall 55′ deep. This is a mix in place technology capable of installations up to 125′ feet deep. The soils are […]
This slide courtesy of DeWind pretty much says it all!
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