Project Related

First Tunnel Completed with Low Carbon Concrete

Tunneling World is reporting that Soletanche Bachy has completed the first tunnel using low carbon concrete pipes. The project involves a new linear discharge tunnel 921 m long, that links the new Bonneuil-en-France wastewater treatment […]

Green building
Standards and Codes

First National Green Building Code Approved!

LEED Certification is a voluntary process for building owners and designers. But a newly approved green building code developed by the International Code Council titled the ‘International Green Construction Code’ or IgCC may see adoption […]

Geotechnical sustainability framework
Rockman's Ramblings

Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering

Geotechnical sustainability framework

As the authors of the above-titled report note, the ecosystem and the built environment are inextricably linked, and understanding the interdependence of the two is the key to sustainability in geotechnical engineering, and all civil engineering. Although I am curious how they came to this conclusion, they state that geotechnical engineering is "the most resource intensive of all the civil engineering disciplines." Assuming they are correct, this is a sobering thought for all of us as designers. [Editor] Click through for more on sustainability in geotechnical engineering. [/Editor]


Scrap Tires
Available Resources

Green Retaining Wall Technology

According to information provided by Productive Recycling, there are approximately 300 million used car and truck tires are generated in the U.S. each year. More than 90% end up in landfills. Productive Recycling has a […]