Last Chance for Space Navigator Contest
Time has almost run out for the first giveaway at GeoPrac, a Space Navigator by 3D Connexicon. You have until 11:59PM CST on Saturday January 31 to leave a comment on ANY article or geonews […]
Time has almost run out for the first giveaway at GeoPrac, a Space Navigator by 3D Connexicon. You have until 11:59PM CST on Saturday January 31 to leave a comment on ANY article or geonews […]
On June 11, 2002, a 150-foot wide and 60-foot deep sinkhole opened up in Pine Hills, Florida and came within a few feet of two 3-story appartment buildings. Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants (GEC) was contacted by the owner of the site to design emergency temporary and permanent stabilization measures to protect the buildings. The sinkhole mitigation began with a chemical stabilization of the soil using an injected sodium silicate chemical grout (incidentally, that work was performed by John N. Puder, Inc., recently acquired by Moretrench) to stabilize the sands underneath the buildings and adjacent to the sinkhole. After some GPR surveys, borings and other investigations, final sinkhole repair consisted of a 200-foot long wall omprised of interlocked 36-inch diameter steel tubular piles that extended to a depth of 50 feet. They were driven by Giken America Corp. using the press-in method which helped to avoid damage to the adjacent buildings. The entire stabilization was completed within 1-month of the initial sinkhole collapse! Click through for this fascinating video. (Photo credit Giken America Corp. by way of GEC)
This month there is a new standard related to nondestructive testing, revisions for several standards involving aggregates, cements and mortars, and the standard test method for expansion index of soils. Click through for the list.
ADAMA Software has released update 9.2 for their Mechanically Stabilized Earth retaining wall design software, MSEW 3.0 as of December 12, 2008. They also released update 3.1 for ReSSA 3.0, a reinforced soil slope design program on January 15, 2009. The ReSSA update seems like a relatively minor one, but the MSEW update contains a number of updates related to AASHTO LRFD resistance factors and design methods. If you are involved in MSE wall design for highway structures using LRFD, be sure to click through for a few highlights from the update and the download link.
Moretrench, a leader in the geotechnical construction industry, is pleased to announce that it has acquired the assets of Orlando-based geotechnical contractor John N. Puder, Inc., a respected presence in the Central Florida construction community for more than 17 years. [Editor] The rest of the press release can be read after the break. [/Editor]
Moretrench is pleased to announce that Company Chairman John F. Donohoe is a 2009 recipient of the prestigious ASCE Opal Award. This honor, awarded to Mr. Donohoe for “innovation and excellence in construction of civil engineering projects and/or programs,” underscores a career dedicated to the advancement of specialty dewatering and geotechnical construction and recognizes the extraordinary contribution that he has made to the civil engineering industry over the past 45 years. [Editor] Click through for the rest of Moretrench’s press release. [/Editor]
Norcross, Georgia, January 23, 2009 – Dataforensics, maker of geotechnical data management software, and Carlos Fernandez Tadeo & Asociados (CFT& Asoc), a Spanish-based pile geotechnical consultant, are pleased to announce a distribution agreement. CFT & Asoc has been granted exclusive rights to represent Dataforensics’ data management software applications PLog Enterprise, PLog and RAPID CPT in Spain and Portugal.
Dataforensics’ software applications facilitate data management within geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering from field data collection to reporting through archiving and reuse of data. [Editor] Click through for the rest of the press release. [/Editor]
Denver, CO (Vocus/PRWEB ) January 21, 2009 — Hayward Baker Inc., the international ground engineering specialist with extensive operations and activities in North America, announces the formation of its Wick Drain Division.
Commenting on the division’s formation, George Grisham, president, said, “The opening of the Wick Drain Division complements Hayward Baker’s other ground modification techniques. We will now be able to self-perform wick drain installations in conjunction with our stone column and soil mixing operations as well as for stand-alone wick drain projects.” [Editor] Read on for the rest of the press release. [/Editor]
On the Radwaste blog by Geoff, I read about Borehole Disposal of Sealed Radioactive Sources or BOSS. This technology, which is explained by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) consists of disposal of smaller quantities of radioactive waste in specially engineered boreholes 30 to 100-m (approx. 100 to 330-ft) deep in suitable geologic media. Read on for more info. (Diagram by IAEA)
According to information provided by Productive Recycling, there are approximately 300 million used car and truck tires are generated in the U.S. each year. More than 90% end up in landfills. Productive Recycling has a […]
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