Over the last 18 months Peter Keeton has been heading up a team at Keynetix to write British Standard and ASTM Standard compliant test definitions, laboratory worksheets and reports for KeyLAB. This work has now been included free of charge with the latest installer of KeyLAB and enables new users of the software to be operational much quicker than ever before.
Peter Keeton has over 40 years of experience working in and managing geotechnical laboratories for Soil Mechanics and was an influential member of the CEN European Standards working group on geotechnical testing. Over this time he has produced many versions of laboratory worksheets for each test.
“By including the latest versions of Peter’s work into the system we have already seen an increase in the number of customers who are running trials of KeyLAB” said Dr Roger Chandler, Keynetix Managing Director. “The out of the box value of KeyLAB has increased significantly with this work and many users are now adopting the system with the standard sheets and only need to modify them with their company logos and details.”
[Editor] Read on for the rest of the press release from GeoPrac sponsor, Keynetix! [/Editor]