RECo MSE Wall at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility
Project Related

RECo MSE Wall Supports Rocket Launches

There is a neat little blurb in Roads and Bridges magazine on a small mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining wall at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility on the Coast of Virginia. The wall was designed and […]

COOLR landslide points (in orange) and NASA landslide susceptibility (blue = low susceptibility, red = high susceptibility), in Central America. Image by NASA.
Geologic Hazards

NASA Building Crowd-sourced Landslide Inventory

NASA scientists are building an open global inventory of landslides with the goal of improving predictive models for landslides. The data is crowd-sourced and some are scraped from news sources as well.  Anyone can download […]

NASA's C-20A Earth science research aircraft with the UAVSAR slung underneath its belly lifts off the runway at Edwards Air Force Base on a prior radar survey mission.
Available Resources

NASA Radar System Surveys Napa Valley Quake Area

Scientists from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA used their Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR) technology to collect repeat measurements of the Napa Valley area to accurately map ground deformations from the […]

NASA JPL Gulf Stream III research test bed with Synthetic Aperture Radar pod underneath.

Good Stuff From Ontario-geofish

NASA JPL Gulf Stream III research test bed with Synthetic Aperture Radar pod underneath. This is not the first time I’ve posted links to blog posts from the Ontario-geofish blog by Harold A. Some times I blatantly rip him off, but hopefully he doesn’t mind since I try to credit him whenever I post about an article he found. I guess he has more time for surfing since he’s retired! 🙂 Here are a couple of his recent posts that I found interesting. (Image by NASA)


Apollo 11 LM Pad

The Ultimate Geotechnical Engineering Challenge

The Lunar Module landing pad

Most people are aware that Apollo 11 was the NASA where man first set foot on the Moon. But before they could set foot on it, they had to set the landing pads of the LM there! How did they come up with geotechnical soil parameters for the design of the LM’s footpads? How did they determine a bearing capacity of lunar soil? Click through for this facinating article that I hope you will share with your colleagues.
