– New Geotechnical Search Engine!
Announcing a new sister site to GeoPrac, – a geotechnical search engine! This search engine is powered by Google’s Custom Search with it’s own clean interface. Search queries only return results from sites that are hand picked by myself and other members of So you don’t have to sift through results that aren’t relevant to geotechnical engineering, geological engineering and related disciplines.
The source of sites included in the GeotechSearch search engine come from the GeoLinks section of this site. Any member can contribute links (subject to approval) and they will then be included in the search engine results within a few days. So if you’re not a member, why not join And then contribute a link to the GeoLinks section. I’m incredibly excited to really start tapping into the capabilities of GeoPrac as a true online COMMUNITY of "geo" practitioners for the benefit of all in our profession…the possibilities are endless!