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Available Resources

New Publications in Geosynthetics has a nice index of technical articles related to geosynthetics. Most recently, they have linked to some articles by Dr. John S. Horvath at Manhattan College on the topics of geosynthetics for ground improvement, geofoam, and cellular geosynthetics. Also included in this list is a Spencer J. Buchanan Lecture by Robert D. Holtz on Geosynthetics for Soil Reinforcement. Read on for links to these PDF articles.

Geologic Hazards

Home Owners Insurance Doesn’t Cover Geologic Hazards

Anyone who owns a house or is looking to buy one should be aware that nearly all home owner’s insurance policies will not cover them in the event their home is damaged by common geologic processes including floods, landslides, earthquakes, subsidence, and expansive or swelling soils. (Image by


Available Resources

TRB: 30 Years of MSE Walls

The Transportation Research Board has released a publication titled "Research Pays Off – Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls on the Interstate Highway System: Thirty Years of Experience". Check out the link after the break.


gINT Professional Software screenshot

gINT Professional Software Explained

gINT Professional Software screenshot

Powerful Geo-Data Management

An overview of the gINT Professional software program, a tool for boring and well log creation, fence diagrams, laboratory reports… and a whole lot more than people realize.


Geologic Hazards

Java Mud Volcano Summary

I haven’t posted anything about the mud volcano in Indonesia, but it has been an interesting story and an ongoing one as well. It is usually referred to as the Java mud volcano, or perhaps […]

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New Device for Detecting Bridge Damage from 30-ft away

Engineers at MIT have developed a new technique for detecting damage in concrete bridges and piers that could increase the safety of aging infrastructure by allowing easier, more frequent, onsite inspections that don’t interfere with traffic or service.


Press Releases

UW to develop specifications for large ocean observatory off coast of Washington

The University of Washington has been allocated $2.2 million for a planning phase to develop detailed engineering specifications for a cabled underwater research facility to be built off the coast of Washington and Oregon, and associated with the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate. The facility will extend continuous high-bandwidth (tens of Gigabits/second) and power (tens of kilowatts) to a network of instruments widely distributed across, above and below the seafloor. (Image by University of Washington)
