Here’s a press release from Rensselaer about their students winning the MSE wall competition at the Geo-Frontiers conference. Congratulations guys! [Source: Rensselaer via ASCE SmartBrief. Image: RPI]
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FHWA NHI 2009 MSE Wall Manual
[Disclosure] NCS Consultants is the employer (day job) of Randy Post, the owner of this site. [/Disclosure]
Geotechnical engineers who encounter MSE retaining walls or Mechanically Stabilzed Earth Walls are undoubtedly familiar with the FHWA NHI manual on “Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes”. This manual, along with the NCMA manual that is used for non-transportation projects, is virtually the bible for MSE wall design. In late summer/early fall of 2009, a revised version of this manual will hit the streets. Read on for more details.
Wolosick receives 2008 Martin S. Kapp Foundation Engineering Award
John R. Wolosick, P.E., M.ASCE, of Hayward Baker Inc. has been named the recipient of the 2008 Martin S. Kapp Foundation Engineering Award.
Odenton, Md. (Vocus/PRWEB ) July 9, 2008 — John R. Wolosick, P.E., M.ASCE, has been named the recipient of the 2008 Martin S. Kapp Foundation Engineering Award. The Geo-Institute Board of Governors of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) selected Wolosick for this award, noting his valuable contributions to micropile design and development, slope stabilization and retaining wall repairs.
The award citation presented to Wolosick cited his work for “novel and innovative design and construction applications for micropiling, earth retention, slope and dam stabilization works and the dissemination of this experience through publications, presentations, seminars and tireless promotion of new technology for acceptance in industry and government.â€
[Editor] Click through for the rest of the press release [/Editor]