Controversy was swirling around last week’s Seattle Mayoral primary race as incumbent Mayor Greg Nickels supports the tunnel to replace the Alaskan Way Viaduct and challenger Michael McGinn wants to tear down the viaduct and disperse traffic on City streets or at least give the voters a chance to vote on the tunnel. McGinn won the primary and now faces Joe Mallahan, a wireless executive. (Photo by SeattlePI)
The Viaduct is considered a serious risk during a major earthquake, eliciting fears of the viaduct collapses during the Northridge Earthquake in California. However about a week ago, Rep. Judy Clibborn, who chairs the state House Transportation committee seemed to clear up the controversy according to SeattlePI:
"The state is building that tunnel," she said in an interview. "It’s a done deal."
It seems as if the State and Seattle City councilmembers have no interest in changing course on the tunnel project after nearly 8 years getting it pushed through.
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