The Geo-Institute of ASCE is offering five days of live streaming technical case studies from August 14 – 18, 2017. The session will be presented for approximately 2 hours each day beginning at 12 PM ET. The format is 4 to 6 individuals presenting case studies on a different technical area. Each registrant can earn 1.0 Professional Development Hour (1.0 PDH) for each event viewed. The topics, hosted by the G-I technical committees, will include:
- Monday, Aug 14: Deep Foundations
- Tuesday, Aug 15: Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics
- Wednesday, Aug 16: Earth Retaining Structures
- Thursday, Aug 17: Computational Geotechnics
- Friday, Aug 18: Rock Mechanics
PDHs are available for the events, although it requires individual registration as opposed to group registration. Register now as early bird registration ends on August 1.
Source: More information and registration can be found at the Geo-Institute