Cellular Concrete provider, Aerix Industries, is presenting a free webinar on March 7, 2018 at noon EST presentation by Susan Rafalko, PE of the Reinforced Earth Company entitled “The Design of MSE Walls with Low-Density Cellular Concrete.” Register here.
The use of LDCC as a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) structural backfill is becoming increasingly more popular where weak soil foundations are encountered and applied wall bearing pressures must be reduced. When LDCC was first initially used in MSE walls, unit weights were on the order of 50 to 80 pounds per cubic foot with compressive strengths on the order of 300 psi to 800 psi. As the technology has evolved, unit weights have continued to decrease down to 20 pounds per cubic foot with compressive strengths of approximately 10 psi, which leads to questions on how to model such a material.
To model the LDCC material as MSE backfill, appropriate equivalent structural backfill friction angles and pullout friction factors for the MSE wall design must be determined for the various LDCC unit weights and compressive strengths.
The webinar will provide recommended design and construction procedures for MSE walls backfilled with LDCC that are based on LDCC material strength properties and 30 years of experience in addition to a few case studies of constructed MSE walls using LDCC as backfill.
The free webinar will provide one PDH.
Photo credit: Mixonsite