Geosyntec and Golder have teamed up with the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) to produce a reference manual: “Guidelines for Management of Landslide Hazards for Pipelines“. This guidance document is the result of a Joint Industry Project with sixteen pipeline operators. It provides a summary of recommended and suggested processes and steps that pipeline operators can use to provide a consistent framework for proactively managing landslide hazards that can or may affect their pipeline systems. The management guidelines help operators to identify, characterize, mitigate, and monitor actual and potential landslide hazards as well as provide guidance to perform fitness for service (FFS) assessments of pipelines affected or potentially affected by landslide movement.
[Editor] Randy Post, the President and Founder of is employed by Golder. The views and opinions expressed on this site are his own and not those of Golder. [/Editor]